
Bollinger bands formula excel


bollinger bands formula excel

This is a discussion on Bollinger excel excel calculation? Bollinger band excel calculation? Community Links Bands List. Jan 8,3: Formula anyone have the excel calculations for a data formula of bollinger bands? Jan 8,5: Andrew, you sure you want to use BB for your analysis? Jan 8, bands, 6: If you want to try different widths use another cell as the reference instead of 2 - e. Jan 8,7: Jan 8,8: Alsohis bands does not include Volume in its design and bands solely bollinger by prices are un reliable as prices can be manipulated Technical analysis has moved on a lot since John developed his bands. Our community does not seem to formula to move on. There are far better indicators out there TASC which can be easily integrated into one's platform to get a better understanding of market behavior and hence his trading. Last edited by Grey1; Jan 8, at 9: The following members like this post: Jan 8,9: Grey 1 - The bands measure bands SD from the MA. The MA isn't stationary, so I don't bollinger grasp what you mean by the first point. I find the bands formula in describing price action relative to itself e. Sure volume isn't included, and I agree that price is manipulated a excel more than most would like to believe. Thats why volume should be taken into consideration when making calls. They are not perfect either - but what is? To be honest, I'm not the bands fan of Excel anyway! Jan 8, I have explained that before on http: Why donot members use a VWMA. This MA lets them to trade along side the volume bands the mass participant and formula by far more meaning ful in trading than price action only. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Search this Thread Bollinger Search. LinkBack Excel URL About LinkBacks. Notices Join T2W today and enjoy a great package of benefits Page 1 of 2. Grey1- What wrong with Bollinger Bands? Regards Last edited by Grey1; Jan 8, at 9: Jul 8, 3: Bollinger 30, Jan 6, 5: Nov 9, 3: Bollinger band bollinger Dow with MA. May 1, 9: Currently Excel Users Viewing This Thread: bollinger bands formula excel

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